Visit Pastaza, Ecuador
Where is Puyo, Pastaza?
Pastaza is the largest province in Ecuador, with a territory of approximately 29,800 Km2, and practically the entire province falls with the geographical region of the Amazon rainforest. It is located only four and a half hours from the city of Quito, or only an hour in airplane arriving from Quito to the local airport of Shell. The capital of Pastaza is Puyo, which means cloud in the native language of Kichwa. The principal river of the province is the Pastaza River, which is navigable throughout the province into neighboring Peru and onto its confluence with the Amazon River.
Pastaza is a province rich in culture; home to seven indigenous nationalities along with the mestizo population. The indigenous nationalities based in Pastaza are: Achuar, Andoa, Shuar, Kichwa, Shiwiar, Waorani, and Zapara, many of which have inhabiated the Amazon region for thousands of years. Their forms of living, food, music, and religion, as well as their languages, make them an incredible anthropological interest for researchers as well as tourists, both national and foreign.
There are various tourist and ecological attractions around Pastaza, ranging from animal refuge centers to medicinal plant reserves. One of the best ways to experience the cultural diversity of Pastaza is to visit one of the amicable indigenous communities located in the remote interior of the province; many local tour agencies offer trips where one can experience community tourism. Additionally, the city is full of museums, theme parks, ecological parks, hanging bridges, view points, water parks, and more! Tourism is a priority here.
For people that are looking for adventure travel, simply contact of the local travel agencies and inquire about kayaking, rafting, canoeing, sport fishing, or evening renting and airplane to fly into the jungle!
Tourists can encounter in Puyo all the basic services of any prosperous city: hotels, hostels, and lodges from one to five stars, national banks, health centers, Internet access, restaurants, nightlife, etc. Puyo also stands out as a city that is clean and safe, in fact, it is one of the safest cities in all of Ecuador.
Pastaza is a province very conscientious of its ecological importance; in fact, almost 90% of its territory is still preserved as virgin rainforest. There are various projects in execution from a local to an international level, public and private, that work to preserve the biodiversity of the province and the region. Travelers are welcome to visit and collaborate in these conservation projects.
The Future of Pastaza
Pastaza and its capital of Puyo are pledged to sustainable development; for this reason the city of Puyo has instituted a program of collection of organic and inorganic waste, as well as education campaigns in the elementrary schools and high schools. The population is aware of the role that they play in the conservation of the Amazonian rainforest and its ecological importance in the world.
Custom Ecuador - West River Logistics
Tour and logistics agency offering customized trips, transport and assitance for individuals and groups. Covering all of Ecuador, specializing in Puyo and Amazon region. Logistical support for projects, events, film and video productions. Has offices in Quito and Puyo, personal assistance in English and Spanish.
Learn to kayak
Individual course which takes 4 to 8 days. The classes start in a swimming pool, where the participants learn how to turn through the water with kayak, so called "eskimo roll", on the fourth day they are allowed to enter the river Puyo level-2. On the fifth and sixth day the trainees can try fast waters of the river Pastaza level-3. All the time the participants are supervised by a experienced professional guide of kayaking. The cost is $75 per person per day, discounts possible for groups of 3-4 participants. Call Antonio at 095209934, e-mail:
Hostel Colibri, Puyo
Hostal Colibrí is situated in a residential neighborhood, just three blocks from downtown Puyo. Run by an American former Peace Corps volunteer. It offers nine clean, comfortable rooms, all with private bath and hot water. Patio with plants and hammocks to relax. There is a small restaurant for breakfast and pizza. Double, triple and quad-rooms available at US $8 per person. Tours to the jungle and traveller's tips in English and Spanish.
Phone: +593-32-889087, from US: (802) 304-1455
Volunteering in Ecuador
- Ecuador Organic Farm Volunteering
Come and join our organic farm to learn bout sustainable agriculture and natural life style. Mother Earth gives you everything you need, does not ask for money!
- Family-stay experience
Welcome and stay with the local family in the village of Canelos, learn about the traditional life of the Kichwa people, their daily work activities and leisure.
- You Volunteer
Volunteer programmes in strategic community projects orientated to offer alternatives to the indigeous communities in the region, to improve their living conditions and ensure the future of the rainforest. Work alongside the local schools improving level of education, providing social and environmental education in order to achiever greater social awareness towards the importance of nature conservation.
Day trips and further
Puerto Misahualli, Napo province
Tours on the River Napo
Boat tours from a half-day to 15 days, visits to Iquitus, Peru.
Walter Vasco y Freddy Duarte
Address: In front of the central park, Pto. Misahualli, Province Napo.
Tel. 062 890 318, Cel. 085 338 738 (Please note there is no cellular coverage in Puerto Misahualli)
Baños de Agua Santa, Tungurahua province
Probably the most touristy Ecuador's spot thanks to natural hot water spa and active volcano Tungurahua. General information at
- Hotels in Baños de Agua Santa, Ecuador
- El Maques Posada, Baños
Accommodation, massages, salsa clases
Phone: +593 3 2740053
- Luna Runtun, The Adventure Spa
Address: Caserio Runtun km.6, Baños, Ecuador
Phone: +593 3 274 0882,
- Chinese massage and reflexiology
Xu Jing Casa de Salud
Chinese massages, facials, reflexiology with Chinese healthy food - if you like.
Appointment: 2740-953 / 096117355
Address: Luis. A. Martinez and Eloy Alfaro, Baños de Agua Santa
Quito, the capital of Ecuador
- Quito Antiquo Hostal, Quito
In Quito we recommend a family run hotel located in the touristic Rio Amazonas neighbourhood. Quito Antiquo Hostal offers bed at US$ 11 without breakfast or $13 breakfast included. All rooms with a private bath, hot water and TV.
Address: Joaquin Pinto y Juan Leon Mera (Quito - Amazonas)
Phone in Quito: 2547333
- Hostal Jardin del Sol, Quito
Quilotoa crater, Ecuador
Hostal My Chosita offers accommodation, horse-back tours, hand-made art, typical food. Reservations: cel. 088 520156, Quilatoa, Ecuador
Immigration Ecuador
For residecial visa:
Direccion General Extranjeria
Address: San Ignacio 207 y San Javier, Quito
Jobs in Ecuador
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